My children go to Raddlebarn School in Selly Oak. The school has been amazing for our children, particularly my son who was bullied at a previous school. The staff are outstanding, but the playground is grim. I’m helping the Friends of Raddlebarn School raise awareness of our funding bid for a £10,000 award for a new outdoor classroom & shelter.

I’m nagging/pleading/begging for your vote, not your money! If you could spare a couple of minutes to vote for our bid we really stand a chance. Voting is easy and absolutely every vote counts. You can use your email or Facebook login.
Thank you Thank you Thank you
Andy Hunt.
To vote:
Project Video
Our Facebook Page


Exhibition. Gunhild Thomson.

Time Passing: Trees

Thursday 7th May at Moseley Exchange
Time: 19:30 – 20:30

Gunhild was born in 1968. She studied Fine Art at Gesamthochschule Kassel in Germany and at Birmingham City University. She has concentrated on photography since 2000. Since then she has had solo exhibitions at Bilston Craft Gallery in 2010 and 2011. Bilston Craft Gallery 2013, Wolverhampton Art Gallery 2013, Netherton Arts Centre in Dudley 2014.

Gunhild works with photography. The work she wants to show captures the changes happening to trees in spring with leaves gradually appearing on the branches. She tooks the photos at regular intervals. Each work of art measures 73 cm x 53 cm and consists of many small 10 cm x 15 cm photos.

More Info: [email protected]

Last Friday Pizza

30th January Friday Pizza, 12.30

The last Friday of each month we will have pizza in the kitchen area at 12:30. We would like all coworkers, tenants, self employed and small local businesses to come together, make new connections, meet new people and maybe even embark on new ventures.
If you would like more information about The Moseley Exchange or last Friday Pizza event that we are holding next week, please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!