17 of January – 14 of March
Opening times Monday-Thursday 9.00- 19.00; Friday 9.00 – 18.00
Opening 17th of January 20.00 – 21.30
Bethan Lloyd is a Conceptual Textiles Artist and recent BCU Graduate with First Class BA (Hons) Fine Art. Bethan’s work utilizes people’s personal accounts of their experiences with mental illnesses to create emotionally charged Textile Installations. In her most recent work, the text is embroidered onto a synthetic material called Lutradur and de-constructed leaving suspended text ribbons. The result is a series of delicate and ephemeral text sculptures which are juxtaposed with the tragic subject of attempted suicide. ”It is as obvious as a train wreck and as subtle as breathing” Jessica Rankin.
She is in a process of applying to do an MA in Art Therapy, so that could always put in somewhere if you wanted
Attention Seeker ‘Attention Seeker’ is a un-edited personal account of attempted suicide. It forms part of an investigation into the narratives of the emotional pain experienced by mentally ill people. She felt that it was necessary for the viewer to experience the text in its entirety to establish a relationship with it and the story and they decided to re-write the account word for word on fabric with a sewing machine. She aimed to restore the intimacy of account whilst keeping her own interpretation to a minimum. The pages open for all to read and form their own opinions…