Branches Through the Year – Photography Exhibition by Gunhild Thomson

7th January to 23rd February 2019

Gunhild Thomson
Branches Through The Year

I am a photographer. I work with analogue photography. I shoot series of photos. I document changes in nature by returning to the same place at regular intervals to take a photo from exactly the same point of view. Each series of small photos (10 cm x 15 cm) is shown together in one large frame.

The work I will show consists of several 12 month series, starting in January, where I took one photo each month. I concentrated on just showing parts of trees, often just a few branches or twigs to give a more detailed view of the leaves and – sometimes – flower petals and the changes that happen over the course of one year.

All images were taken in my local neighbourhood of Handsworth, most of them in Handsworth Park.